Not a random piece, I grew up with this 36×40 beauty because it was painted by my mother!
Some of our most prized possessions are works of art by her that have special meaning and significance to us. Pastel portraits of our boys, a favorite house on Corn Neck Road on Block Island, the Sand Hole off of Lloyd Harbor, and this particular painting. I asked to borrow it as a staging prop when we were selling our house in 2006. Once we closed, I couldn’t part with it! I asked Mom to let me keep “borrowing” it, indefinitely!
It’s so pleasing to me! Always reminding me of who I am and what I love. The different shades of blue sky and ocean, the yellow-greens of the seagrass, all speak to my heart and soul. It’s one of those things that just hits me right! Every time. Always. It’s something I have to have. It’s home.
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