Hockey is the greatest spectator sport!
YES, I said that! Do you agree?
Due to its unique combination of speed, skill, physicality, and strategy, along with an electrifying atmosphere, how can you disagree? High intensity sports competition is hard enough. Now put it ON ICE! Some of the BEST games have been played recently by The New York Rangers!
An undeniable sense of community exists for this team! Who doesn’t want to be part of a community? Who doesn’t want to “belong” to something?
As human beings, we were made for connection. We were created to be in communion with others. How do we most relate to one another? What do we typically bond over? Think about that for a minute!
Here’s an answer, The New York Rangers!!! Not only because they’re doing great right now, but because of the buzz they generate, the undercurrent of connectivity among ever hopeful fans. Whether you admire them quietly, or are obnoxiously overt about your Rangers, there is a conspicuous pride, excitement and LOVE for this team and its players! And it is SHARED by many. MANY! Ask around!!!
NO ONE is a stranger when it comes to the common bond of being a “RANGER FAN”. A knowing connection, an unspoken appreciation, a unifying force. A community in and of itself! It’s there! It’s real! It’s beautiful! And it feels so good to be part of it!
As a family, we LOVE the NY Rangers! We unite and rally around this team!
I love watching the games with my grown boys! I love recapping the games with them: the players, the goals, the significant moments. I love that they often exchange Rangers-related gifts of tickets, jerseys, hats, cups. I love that they will always cherish the games they’ve gone to together. It pleases me to no end knowing they’re out there, experiencing life together AT a Rangers game!
This team is very dear to our family. It represents the notion of “home”. A devoted allegiance and a tie that binds us. For this reason alone, I can say that The New York Rangers is something I have to have. LGR!!!
Click reply and tell me what team you have to have. Or if you LOVE the NY Rangers too!