Things I Have to Have: Texting!

While on the topic, and like everyone else, text messaging is something I have to have!

Sure, it’s an important tool for all the practical reasons we use it: making and solidifying plans, sharing important information with others, making progress with work…but let’s not forget the other really convenient things about it!

How NICE it is that we have the capability to reach out to someone the moment they enter our thoughts! Some of us never had that growing up. Now we cannot imagine a life without it!

What a gift to be able to reach out to my boys, in a heartbeat, and tell them I love them. To have at my fingertips, the ease of connecting with anyone in my extensive family, despite them living all over. To share a funny picture, joke or video with my LEHIGH friends, at any moment, of any day. To recommend something I see, an experience I’m having, or something I read or listened to that inspired me, in the moment, with anyone whom I think might appreciate it.

I guess what I’m saying is that I LOVE the ability to reach out to someone, at any time, and let them know that I’m thinking about them. I don’t necessarily need to hear back from them at all, just letting them know that they’re on my mind is enough. Hopefully it gives them a happy moment too, knowing that someone is thinking about them, and they’re not alone. And what a beautiful feeling that is! All around! Do you agree?

Click reply and tell me what YOU love most about texting.

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