Mirrors are multipurpose!
If you know me, you know I take the opportunity to use mirrors in every room! EVERY ROOM!
When it comes to interior design, mirrors are a great alternative to art on the wall because they can enlarge any space and flood it with light! Possessing the gentle ability to improve surroundings and energy, especially when amplifying the goodness and splendor that is already there. Reflecting upon a thoughtfully gifted plant, the colorful foliage of a tree outside, a window providing an abundance of natural light. Illuminating!
But let’s go a little deeper into the interior. While the obvious use for mirrors is to check ourselves, let’s not just be that person who’s only making sure we look great in that outfit, the makeup is good, the hair is just right. We can go deeper, can’t we?
Each morning, and before all of that, there’s an opportunity to do yourself a great favor. Take a moment…look straight in the mirror…look into the eyes…look deeper inside…a few seconds more…let yourself know…promise yourself…that you are showing up for YOU today!
Set your intention, in gratitude and collaboration with God’s will, that your hopes and dreams are possible for the person looking back at you. Be KIND to yourself…be THERE for yourself…and from that good place, you can be there for others.
These are a few reasons mirrors are just some things that I have to have.
Click reply and tell me some of your interior design ideas!