Was it my imagination, or were digital calendars NOT that easy at first? There seemed to be too many steps, too many clicks, too much room for error. For me, writing it down with a pen in my book was faster, let alone the satisfaction of marking it off as complete.
I rationalized it, never having to worry about losing digital data, the ability to refer back, pinpoint certain locations, who I was with, what I was doing. I found that all to be very useful.
Since starting my Virtual Assistant (VA) business, I have been shifting EVERYTHING to Google Calendar. What a great tool! Linked to my website appointment calendar and my ongoing VA training sessions, I have migrated ALL of my life’s appointments to this. Syncing computer and phone. The byproduct, value for my clients, who need me to be well versed in its capabilities for their needs too!
Bottom line, we are one person, we can only be in one place at a time. One calendar! I am taking my own advice above. Going forward I am using my digital calendar most!
I still have my book, but it no longer has pages covered with scribbles and scrawls like before. Nope. My Google Calendar is now something I have to have. We will see how it goes. So far so good!
Click reply and tell me what kind of calendar YOU use… And why?