Things I Have to Have: Early Mornings

I admit, I wasn’t always an early bird! But once I experienced it regularly, there was no turning back! Waking up early, before the sun is up has become something I truly LOVE.

I gotta say, no longer does the early morning feel cold and dark to me. I am not afraid of it. I no longer wish to stay cozy in my bed. That’s for later, at night. There is too much to take advantage of by getting up and out! There are too many things I want to do!

Here are my top reasons:

  • My mind has begun, I want to get it going in a more focused way.
  • My body wants to move, asap.
  • My spiritual rhythm has begun, praising God for another day, and all my blessings.
  • My mind is freshest, sharpest this time of day, to learn, grow and create.
  • There are no distractions yet. No one else is awake or engaging with me.
  • A good start determines the rest of my day.
  • I have energy to tackle the hardest tasks. Getting them off my plate.
  • Accomplishing a lot early gives me a profound sense of satisfaction, for hours, days, and beyond.
  • I enjoy knowing that I am showing up the best I can be.
  • Showing up for myself enables me to show up for others.

Can you relate to any of these? Maybe you have our own set of reasons. These are just some of mine. And why early mornings are something I have to have.

Click reply and tell me if you’re an early bird!

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