It’s not just for cooking anymore!
I use coconut oil each morning as part of my oral health care routine. Hear me out! Before I brush, I swish a spoonful of coconut oil in my mouth for about 10 minutes as I make my bed and get dressed. It sounds odd, maybe even gross to some, but it’s naturally removing bacteria before brushing! To learn more, Google “oil pulling”. And please, don’t knock it till you try it!
Did you know that coconut oil is an ideal cooking oil? Because of its high smoke point, it is suitable for frying, sauteing, and baking. That’s good to know!
It’s my understanding that it is far healthier than other seed oils, which can build up in your system over time and cause inflammation. And they seem to be in everything already! Even most of the olive oil we buy is adulterated with these seed oils, making it hard to find a “healthy” version of oil these days.
Other uses: Coconut oil is great for moisturizing skin, removing makeup, conditioning hair, as a shaving cream, cuticle oil, lip balm. Add salt or sugar and make a moisturizing scrub. Add tea tree oil to treat rashes! An amazing combination! Give it a try!
An awesome multi-purpose product to have on hand, coconut oil is just something I have to have! Go get some!
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