Yes, I am a proud child of the 70’s and 80’s! I loved a lot of things from that era but Olivia Newton-John and Flashdance were total obsessions! Like most girls, I cut and/or ripped every sweatshirt I could get my hands on. I had leg warmers then (for dance school), and now I have leg warmers again in my wardrobe! It came out of… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Leg Warmers
Category: Things I Have to Have
Things I Have to Have: Ray-Bans!
My first style, the original gold/green Aviator Classic acquired from my Dad in the 1980s (seen front and center above). Now referred to as “Pop-Pop’s glasses” in my immediate family. Not because of the style, but because they were his! And I have loved Ray-Bans ever since. Wayfarers, Aviators, mirrored or dark, I love them all! They are… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Ray-Bans!
Things I Have to Have:
iPhone Earbuds
Not the latest technology but very practical. Yes, I’ll admit it, I really like the wired iPhone earbuds that come with any new iPhone. They are super simple to use and, more importantly, you don’t have to CHARGE them! Just plug them into your phone and GO! Have a phone conversation or listen to music or a podcast while multitasking.… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
iPhone Earbuds
Things I Have to Have:
Oat Milk Creamer
Is coffee an everyday event for you? I stopped drinking coffee for a number of years but I’m back into enjoying my one cup a day. I’m told it’s best to wait at least an hour after waking to have that coveted cup of joe. Has something to do with letting your natural energy kick… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Oat Milk Creamer
Things I Have to Have:
Our Flagpole!
Main Street, USA! Our flagpole’s prominent spot in the community. Buying from the previous owners was like buying from close relatives, both of our families well established in the community and active for decades in the local volunteer fire and rescue services. A household of boat masters at our beach club explains how the pole eventually made its way to their yard long ago. Originally the mast of a boat in… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Our Flagpole!
Things I Have to Have: TEA!
Not just something to warm me up, satisfy a sweet craving, or help me sleep; tea is a hobby, habit and coping mechanism for me and my family. We all have those moments where we find ourselves anxious, overwhelmed and not quite sure what to do next. Right??? “Let’s have a cup of tea!” Tea can be… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: TEA!
Things I Have to Have:
The painting above our bed.
Not a random piece, I grew up with this 36×40 beauty because it was painted by my mother! Some of our most prized possessions are works of art by her that have special meaning and significance to us. Pastel portraits of our boys, a favorite house on Corn Neck Road on Block Island, the Sand… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
The painting above our bed.
Things I Have to Have:
Mr. Clean white sponges!
“Magic” is an understatement! Two things about me: I like to take care of my “stuff” and I like to clean things when I need to feel some sense of control. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, “the white sponge” as we call it, is something I have to have! Glass shower doors, white tile floors, leather… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Mr. Clean white sponges!
Things I Have to Have:
Google Keep App
I use Google Keep to quickly create my “To Do” lists each day! It’s so simple to use and has more capabilities than I need. It immediately syncs to all my devices too! I keep the icon right next to my Google calendar app. I just LOVE typing in everything I want to remember for the day, getting… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Google Keep App
Things I Have to Have:
My Long Walks
I usually take my walk at the end of a full day, or AS NEEDED. My day typically starts with spirituality, personal growth, and some amount of moving my body. Then comes the focus on my work, with an added “progress piece”, intentionally fit in before any distractions, to ensure forward momentum daily. I look… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
My Long Walks