Things I Have to Have: The Sports Alerts App!

Like those ’70s shampoo commercials:“…and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on…” Talk about connecting and sharing, not to mention perfect timing for the Super Bowl! I recently shared the Sports Alerts App with a friend I thought would have every sports App known to man! At my suggestion, he downloaded it immediately (for… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: The Sports Alerts App!

Things I Have to Have: Mirrors!

Mirrors are multipurpose! If you know me, you know I take the opportunity to use mirrors in every room! EVERY ROOM! When it comes to interior design, mirrors are a great alternative to art on the wall because they can enlarge any space and flood it with light! Possessing the gentle ability to improve surroundings and energy, especially when amplifying the goodness and splendor… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Mirrors!