Getting Focus BACK!

I lost my ability to focus. My mind was overflowing. Too many thoughts swirling in my head. Going in too many directions. Too many things changing in the work and the routine. I was losing sleep. I wanted to do it all, but was getting nothing done. Collapsing upon myself in a state of failure.… Continue reading Getting Focus BACK!

A Place for Everything…

Is your dining room table covered with stuff you haven’t put away yet? A catch-all for things that don’t have their own place? How about the crap in your car’s center console? Or the random trinkets atop your dresser? Or the one-off documents and empty folders in your Google Drive? Or the mess that is… Continue reading A Place for Everything…


Recently I was talking to a friend when she started listing all the things she wanted to do this summer. Swimming, paddle boarding, sailing, even water skiing! It all sounded really great! Ambitious yet doable! Then she said that the water skiing might not happen because she’s only done that once in her life! LOL!… Continue reading NEW and DIFFERENT Things

Detach, With Love…Trust…

When we hear the word detachment, what do we think? It has a negative connotation, doesn’t it? Allow me share another perspective. One that will hopefully reveal a different side and a different way of thinking about it. Fundamentally, detachment refers to a state of emotional disengagement, the ability to distance oneself from situations and… Continue reading Detach, With Love…Trust…