Going Forward…

A lot of my clients complain of their challenges to manage their daily technology use. Some struggle on a disastrous level! But guess what? It doesn’t have to be like that! And it doesn’t take that much to get a HANDLE on it either. Introducing two words: Going forward. I find myself frequently telling clients, “you… Continue reading Going Forward…

Productive WINS! Hands Down!

Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels lately? Not accomplishing much? Looking for some kind of break through? Something’s gotta give, right? If this is you, it’s time to look at whether you are just keeping busy, or actually being productive. Can you recognize the difference? If you’re feeling exhausted, not motivated, on the… Continue reading Productive WINS! Hands Down!

Communication: It’s a Two-Way Street!

We all have to communicate personally and in business. While there are so many directions we can go with this topic, here are just some basic things to keep in mind so you’re communicating effectively and protecting everyone’s time and energy. 1. Know your audience! WHO are you communicating with? Older generations might prefer an in-person conversation… Continue reading Communication: It’s a Two-Way Street!

The Secret to Getting Big Things Done!

Earlier this year I listened to a Mel Robbins podcast about having a “million dollar morning routine”. The podcast is titled “A Toolkit for Creating the Perfect Morning Routine” dated 2/13/23 and the link is here. She talked about 5 (easy) components to her morning routine, the importance and benefits of having a morning routine, and the fact that it allows… Continue reading The Secret to Getting Big Things Done!

LinkedIn Profile Updates Worth Doing (Now)!

One of the first things I help my clients with is their LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn can be THE most important online presence for professionals. While Instagram and Facebook followers are looking mostly to be entertained and zone OUT, the LinkedIn audience is looking to ZONE IN! A place for professionals’ content, including everything from business… Continue reading LinkedIn Profile Updates Worth Doing (Now)!