Not the latest technology but very practical. Yes, I’ll admit it, I really like the wired iPhone earbuds that come with any new iPhone. They are super simple to use and, more importantly, you don’t have to CHARGE them! Just plug them into your phone and GO! Have a phone conversation or listen to music or a podcast while multitasking.… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
iPhone Earbuds
Things I Have to Have:
You and Your Work Schedule…Who is Controlling Who?
I was speaking with one of my friends the other day. Among other things, we talked about how we work our own businesses, have families and still manage to keep our sanity. We also talked about how we manage our client interactions so that it all works. Here are a few tricks to share: 1.… Continue reading You and Your Work Schedule…Who is Controlling Who?
Things I Have to Have:
Oat Milk Creamer
Is coffee an everyday event for you? I stopped drinking coffee for a number of years but I’m back into enjoying my one cup a day. I’m told it’s best to wait at least an hour after waking to have that coveted cup of joe. Has something to do with letting your natural energy kick… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Oat Milk Creamer
Are You Wasting More Time Than Necessary?
One of the things I love about my clients is that they are all entrepreneurs. They’re excited about their work and they’re passionate about their ideas. They love their businesses (sometimes) as if it were one of their children. And they spend a lot of time working. That’s the good news. The bad news is that… Continue reading Are You Wasting More Time Than Necessary?
Things I Have to Have:
Our Flagpole!
Main Street, USA! Our flagpole’s prominent spot in the community. Buying from the previous owners was like buying from close relatives, both of our families well established in the community and active for decades in the local volunteer fire and rescue services. A household of boat masters at our beach club explains how the pole eventually made its way to their yard long ago. Originally the mast of a boat in… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Our Flagpole!
Save Time With These Three Filing Tips
I was talking with my friend last week about work. While we were on the phone, she began struggling to find a document that was sent to her a couple of months ago. She looked in her email, she searched her hard drive, she even looked through a pile of papers she had stacked on… Continue reading Save Time With These Three Filing Tips
Things I Have to Have: TEA!
Not just something to warm me up, satisfy a sweet craving, or help me sleep; tea is a hobby, habit and coping mechanism for me and my family. We all have those moments where we find ourselves anxious, overwhelmed and not quite sure what to do next. Right??? “Let’s have a cup of tea!” Tea can be… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: TEA!
Filling the Gaps When Things Get Slow.
As someone who enjoys feeling at capacity most of the time, I wasn’t sure what to do with myself when things slowed down a bit earlier this year. I could have cleaned out every closet in the house, a task which is actually productive and rewarding. Instead, I decided to dig into learning about and… Continue reading Filling the Gaps When Things Get Slow.
Things I Have to Have:
The painting above our bed.
Not a random piece, I grew up with this 36×40 beauty because it was painted by my mother! Some of our most prized possessions are works of art by her that have special meaning and significance to us. Pastel portraits of our boys, a favorite house on Corn Neck Road on Block Island, the Sand… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
The painting above our bed.
Stop Procrastination! (NOW! Not tomorrow.)
Nearly every day, clients and prospective clients come to me with a big idea or project they want to tackle. Some are brimming with excitement, others with concern. Either way, some jump right in while others just seem to stall. Procrastination is something we’ve all been guilty of now and then. My particular forms of… Continue reading Stop Procrastination! (NOW! Not tomorrow.)