”Let’s put a ribbon on that!”…it’s the little things. Sounds silly, but over 25 years ago I ordered a bunch of ribbon online, different widths, and in the best colors! I tell you, this was, and still is, the most beautiful silk ribbon I have ever had! It cost me a small fortune back then (relatively speaking),… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Ribbon!
Detach, With Love…Trust…
When we hear the word detachment, what do we think? It has a negative connotation, doesn’t it? Allow me share another perspective. One that will hopefully reveal a different side and a different way of thinking about it. Fundamentally, detachment refers to a state of emotional disengagement, the ability to distance oneself from situations and… Continue reading Detach, With Love…Trust…
Things I Have to Have: The Shazam app
Not just for music! Who knew? A friend recently asked me what song I was playing and I told her to “shazam it”. Well, she had no idea what I was talking about! That’s when I knew I had to share about the Shazam app. This is for all who don’t know about it, and for all who don’t… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: The Shazam app
Get more Joy! Employ Vorfreude
Yes! You are going to learn a new term, concept and mental habit today! Stay with me! It’s neither hard nor complicated, yet totally worth it! We live in a world that is so negatively distracting! Let’s flip that script and bring back MORE JOY into our lives! If we haven’t realized that yet, here is a major… Continue reading Get more Joy! Employ Vorfreude
Things I Have to Have: The Anticipation of Spring
#anticipation Technically we are in spring. BUT, to me, we are in the “anticipation of spring” season. On the precipice. RIGHT NOW! The days where all things are transitioning rapidly from bleak to BEAUTIFUL! The fickle weather confusing us, and the earth, to know just how far to emerge each day from our cocoonish mindsets and modes of hibernation. Doesn’t… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: The Anticipation of Spring
Three Good Principles for Life
I keep bumping into a few core themes as I brainstorm, get inspired, and write these newsletter articles. These three thoughts keep grabbing my attention, principles and standards that resonate with me and how I try to approach and live life. Not only do they reflect how I wish to BE, but also how I… Continue reading Three Good Principles for Life
Things I Have to Have: iPhone Timer App
“I should time myself doing this.” Timing things I do helps me BE FULLY PRESENT. Allowing for no distractions, no aimlessness, no getting side-tracked, no wondering where the time went. While it might sound kind of rigid, maybe even robotic, it forces me to be singularly devoted to what I’m doing. When time is up, I truly move on. Knowing… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: iPhone Timer App
The Practice of Being Present
At one time or another, we have all said, “What just happened?” or “I don’t recall, I wasn’t paying attention”. More and more these days I am noticing that we have lost the ability to be truly present in our lives. So distracted by noise and the busyness of this world. Missing the beauty of the… Continue reading The Practice of Being Present
Things I Have to Have: The New York Rangers!
Hockey is the greatest spectator sport! YES, I said that! Do you agree? Due to its unique combination of speed, skill, physicality, and strategy, along with an electrifying atmosphere, how can you disagree? High intensity sports competition is hard enough. Now put it ON ICE! Some of the BEST games have been played recently by The New… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: The New York Rangers!
Have a Problem? Here’s the Solution!
After my last newsletter, I was talking to my sister, who has been in major media sales for over 30 years. She is INCREDIBLE at what she does! This is what she said: “I’ve been meaning to say to you… you need to ASK for the business. NOW!” I was stunned at first! And a… Continue reading Have a Problem? Here’s the Solution!