Like most people, I have accumulated an extensive collection of baseball hats. Places I’ve visited, schools I’ve attended, teams I root for, sports that I enjoy. I LOVE finding new hats almost everywhere I go! If you know me, you’ve seen some of the favorites in my collection: Clemson, Diamond Blue (Block Island), a couple Titleist hats, my… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Baseball Hats
Texting Part 2: Sharpen the Tool
Endless numbers of articles can and have been written on the usefulness and good tips for text messaging. My last newsletter article was specifically targeted to help us NOW. The goal was to assist in quickly eliminating those unwanted, unwarranted texts we all are getting lately. I have been eliminating numerous incoming texts daily! It’s… Continue reading Texting Part 2: Sharpen the Tool
Things I Have to Have: Texting!
While on the topic, and like everyone else, text messaging is something I have to have! Sure, it’s an important tool for all the practical reasons we use it: making and solidifying plans, sharing important information with others, making progress with work…but let’s not forget the other really convenient things about it! How NICE it is that we… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Texting!
Take the Mess Out of Messages
Are you getting a slew of texts you didn’t ask for and don’t want? Political ads? Re-order reminders? Prescriptions that aren’t yours? Are they clogging up your Messages inbox? Does this sound at all familiar? If so, it’s time to take back control with these quick tips. If you think you’ve already got a handle on this, then… Continue reading Take the Mess Out of Messages
Things I Have to Have: Maps
Let’s just say, I have an endless fascination with maps! I know, I am not alone on this! It’s pretty cool that most, if not all, of the earth’s geography is accounted for, documented, detailed, and can be pulled up, easily. Mention to me a music venue, campus, island, coastline, road trip, town, city, state or country, I’m pulling it… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Maps
Attention to Detail: Blessing? Curse?
William H. Webb, “America’s first naval architect”, and founder of the Webb Institute* in Glen Cove, NY, was often quoted as attributing his reputation and success to “unwearied application and close attention to detail.” Are you good with attention to detail? If not, would you like to be? Now is a great time to make a… Continue reading Attention to Detail: Blessing? Curse?
Things I Have to Have: Stationery
Spelled with an “e”, for envelope! Do you get a special feeling when you receive a handwritten letter or note? Like you matter? There’s no comparison, right? So much better than a text, email or phone message. No one can predict if this mode of communication will withstand the test of time, but I certainly hope… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: Stationery
Recently I was talking to a friend when she started listing all the things she wanted to do this summer. Swimming, paddle boarding, sailing, even water skiing! It all sounded really great! Ambitious yet doable! Then she said that the water skiing might not happen because she’s only done that once in her life! LOL!… Continue reading NEW and DIFFERENT Things
Things I Have to Have: My Church
You don’t need to be spiritual or religious to have a “church”. Think of your church as a place where you seek to be as often as possible. Where you can get centered, grounded and peaceful. A place where you can be mindful, introspective, and connected to your authentic self. Where you can commune with God, or a higher being, if that’s… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: My Church
The Subject Line. Making It Count!
You’re crafting an email. You want someone to KNOW something or DO something. If you’re taking the time to write the message, you certainly want it to be READ. Otherwise, why bother? Have you ever really thought about how important the email subject line is? It’s crucial actually! It’s the difference between an email being opened, or being deleted, simple as that!… Continue reading The Subject Line. Making It Count!