Not just something to warm me up, satisfy a sweet craving, or help me sleep; tea is a hobby, habit and coping mechanism for me and my family. We all have those moments where we find ourselves anxious, overwhelmed and not quite sure what to do next. Right??? “Let’s have a cup of tea!” Tea can be… Continue reading Things I Have to Have: TEA!
Author: kcomo
Filling the Gaps When Things Get Slow.
As someone who enjoys feeling at capacity most of the time, I wasn’t sure what to do with myself when things slowed down a bit earlier this year. I could have cleaned out every closet in the house, a task which is actually productive and rewarding. Instead, I decided to dig into learning about and… Continue reading Filling the Gaps When Things Get Slow.
Things I Have to Have:
The painting above our bed.
Not a random piece, I grew up with this 36×40 beauty because it was painted by my mother! Some of our most prized possessions are works of art by her that have special meaning and significance to us. Pastel portraits of our boys, a favorite house on Corn Neck Road on Block Island, the Sand… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
The painting above our bed.
Stop Procrastination! (NOW! Not tomorrow.)
Nearly every day, clients and prospective clients come to me with a big idea or project they want to tackle. Some are brimming with excitement, others with concern. Either way, some jump right in while others just seem to stall. Procrastination is something we’ve all been guilty of now and then. My particular forms of… Continue reading Stop Procrastination! (NOW! Not tomorrow.)
Things I Have to Have:
Mr. Clean white sponges!
“Magic” is an understatement! Two things about me: I like to take care of my “stuff” and I like to clean things when I need to feel some sense of control. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, “the white sponge” as we call it, is something I have to have! Glass shower doors, white tile floors, leather… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Mr. Clean white sponges!
Be Your Own Detective!
As a small business owner or solo professional, you’ve got many processes and procedures in place, not to mention lots of outwardly facing marketing things, like your LinkedIn profile and your website. Over time, it’s easy to look at them, without really seeing them. That can be a problem, particularly as your business evolves. With that in mind,… Continue reading Be Your Own Detective!
Things I Have to Have:
Google Keep App
I use Google Keep to quickly create my “To Do” lists each day! It’s so simple to use and has more capabilities than I need. It immediately syncs to all my devices too! I keep the icon right next to my Google calendar app. I just LOVE typing in everything I want to remember for the day, getting… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
Google Keep App
Untangling Your Messy Calendar
Keeping appointments and deadlines in a calendar is essential. Without one, unless you’ve got a fabulous memory, things can go badly very quickly! Unfortunately, many people still struggle with electronic calendar set up, something I see with clients every day. This is how it usually happens:They have a job before they start their business, and they… Continue reading Untangling Your Messy Calendar
Things I Have to Have:
My Long Walks
I usually take my walk at the end of a full day, or AS NEEDED. My day typically starts with spirituality, personal growth, and some amount of moving my body. Then comes the focus on my work, with an added “progress piece”, intentionally fit in before any distractions, to ensure forward momentum daily. I look… Continue reading Things I Have to Have:
My Long Walks
You Can’t Do It All! How to Delegate Effectively.
It seems that at least once each week I hear the same five words from friends and clients: “I need to delegate more.” And then, immediately afterward, they say, “But I don’t think there’s anybody who will understand my work, take it as seriously as I do, and do a really great job.” As a… Continue reading You Can’t Do It All! How to Delegate Effectively.