Things I Have to Have: Paper Towels

Sounds silly but, no longer do I consider it wasteful to use a lot of paper towels. Maybe you treat them as a luxury, preferring to use them sparingly. Maybe you’re in the habit of using them wildly! I have to admit, this is an area I am no longer a conservationist. Here’s why.

Paper towels are always fresh and clean…when I need things to be fresh and clean!

Paper towels are disposable, for those spills and clean ups that can only be described as GROSS!

Paper towels are super versatile! Many of my uses include: absorbing moisture when heating up foods, wrapped around clean lettuce-keeping it crisp in the fridge, drying and wrapping clean apples-ready to grab and go, a disposable doormat for shoes on rainy days, a makeshift plate, an emergency tissue, a carrying case or napkin for anything I don’t want my hands to touch.

Sure, I have a basket full of dish towels ready to pull at any given moment. I use BOTH! But with a household of multiple people having different habits of cleanliness, it’s impossible to know where that dish towel has been. In those circumstances, paper towels are always the safer choice.

I keep a roll under every sink, in the laundry room, in the back of my car. Why? Because it never fails, my eyes grow wide with gratitude when I see there is a roll right there, when I need it most! Can you relate?

For these reasons and endless uses, paper towels are just something I have to have.

Click reply and tell me if you use paper towels sparingly or wildly! What’s your favorite brand?

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