Technically we are in spring. BUT, to me, we are in the “anticipation of spring” season. On the precipice. RIGHT NOW!
The days where all things are transitioning rapidly from bleak to BEAUTIFUL! The fickle weather confusing us, and the earth, to know just how far to emerge each day from our cocoonish mindsets and modes of hibernation. Doesn’t this time of year always do this to us?
So what do I love about it? The ANTICIPATION of course! It’s something I have to have!
Similar to that feeling we get weeks before the actual day of Christmas, before ANY planned vacation, before a friend’s wedding, a family reunion, the birth of a first grandchild. The time we get to LOOK FORWARD to something very special. A time which IS special, in and of itself. Don’t miss it!
A period that’s temporary. It doesn’t last forever. It’s not meant to. Eventually, we get there. We get through. We get to the other side. God willing, it’s GOING TO HAPPEN! There’s comfort in that…don’t you think?
I kind of enjoy the weather fluctuations. Not having to totally commit to one season or the other, one wardrobe or another. Seems silly, but I like the challenge of how to layer up, so I’m prepared for anything. ANYTHING. For cold…then warm, maybe hot…then cold again…prepared for anything! You know what I’m saying.
Mostly, this time of anticipation brings growth. Growth of all living things! Reminding us, we too must keep growing personally. I consider spring as a transfiguration, an ascending season. Compelling me to keep ascending in body, mind, and spirit. If we are not growing and ascending, then we are diminishing, and descending, not even staying the same…unfortunately. But that’s just my belief, what do you think?
How about the anticipation of the full revival of nature? Continuously connecting us with God and the universe, in gratitude, for all that we have. The expectation of more physical activity, more sun, more vitamin D, more warmth (yes, heat!), less clothing! I LOVE that! Healthier bodies and better moods on the horizon! Doesn’t this sound GREAT?!?!
A time when people get revved up to be out and about, re-connecting with others, the way we were meant to live. We were created to be in communion with others. And we were given this gorgeous planet to live on, and care for, TOGETHER!
If you’re not quite ready, I suggest you GET READY! Ready to break free from the confines of winter and our closed, little worlds. Ready to GET OUT THERE! Because there’s people out there…and a beautiful world to see…and a lot to do! I’ll see YOU, out there!
Click reply and tell me what you’re anticipating for this spring!
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