Like those ’70s shampoo commercials:
“…and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on…”
Talk about connecting and sharing, not to mention perfect timing for the Super Bowl!
I recently shared the Sports Alerts App with a friend I thought would have every sports App known to man! At my suggestion, he downloaded it immediately (for FREE) and seems to LOVE IT! I love it too!
While the App has just about every sport on the planet, so far I’m tracking NHL, NFL, NCAA, PGA, Soccer and Tennis. There are tons of features I will never use! News, videos, stats, expert picks, even trivia! For now, all I want is ONE place to go to see game times, live scores and results. And here it is! All in ONE place! Beautiful!
Thank you to my boys for sharing!!! The Sports Alerts App is NOW something I have to have!
Click reply and tell me what sports App you love!