Main Street, USA! Our flagpole’s prominent spot in the community.
Buying from the previous owners was like buying from close relatives, both of our families well established in the community and active for decades in the local volunteer fire and rescue services.
A household of boat masters at our beach club explains how the pole eventually made its way to their yard long ago. Originally the mast of a boat in the fleet, it was repurposed as the primary flagpole for the club at one point. Ultimately, it found its final destination on Main Street, USA.
Inheriting their tradition, and to their delight, after every Thanksgiving we temporarily descend the flags and hoist the Christmas lights! Many locals consider our festive display as a cheerful reminder and a spirited beacon for passers-by during the holidays. They say they look forward to it! Some say they count on it!
Life can be challenging married to my husband, the dad to our boys, who is a volunteer firefighter and EMT since he was 18, an Ex-Chief three times, a retired firefighter with FDNY, and a current officer in the US Army. Yet, our family is so proud and supportive. We understand his desire to serve. Collectively we share this enthusiastic patriotism. It’s a big part of our story!
Our flagpole is only a small dedication to this community we love and proudly call home. We consider it a duty and an honor to have it on display. For me, it’s definitely something I have to have.
P.S. As I was writing this, the utility company came and cut down a massive tree on our corner, revealing the pole even more! Coincidence or fate?